"Horses4Homes is a god send for vulnerable horses but also owners who want to do the best for their horses."
“Fred is an amazing horse and I’m very lucky to have the opportunity to loan him. He is an absolute gentleman on the ground. So much so, my boyfriend will actually get Fred in from the field and ‘dust him and change his jackets’ i.e groom him and change his rugs.
We have just started competing in local competitions and entered our first combine training class on Sunday, we scored 65.5% and clear showjumping – we came 4th and have qualified for the 2nd rounds at the end of March.
I do believe Fred was honestly described, all his quirks were highlighted and we have managed them accordingly. Fred had been out of work for 18 months, so I have been gently getting him fit over the past 4 months. His temperament is second to none; he has a real ‘can do’ attitude.
I email Connor, his previous owner, on a weekly basis, it was more regular at the beginning as we were experiencing new things every day.
I think Horses4Homes is a credit to you and Rebecca!!! I often recommend the site, due to the honesty of the owners and also the criteria the applicant has to adhere to. Horses4Homes is a God send for vulnerable horses but also owners who want to do the best for their horses. “ Donna Aldridge
Fred was rehomed in August 2013, this update was received in March 2014.