Some of our owners are in dire circumstances. We don’t tend to share the awful situations that owner’s find themselves in which force them to rehome their horses as we fully respect their privacy but Charlotte, Edward’s owner, has agreed to share her story with you. Her horses really were the only positive thing in her life but she needed to rehome them so that she could get out of an abusive relationship. Charlotte finds it hard to put down in words the relief and joy she feels knowing Edward has a home she thought she could only dream of.
“Horses4Homes has been a lifeline for myself an Edward. After loaning Edward privately twice and having bad experiences both times, like those you read about and think will never happen to you, happened to me both times. After these experiences I felt I would never be able to find a suitable home for Edward. I thought I had vetted the people involved well so I lost all trust in people and thought I cannot put Edward or myself through this again. If it had not been for finding out about Horses4Homes I would not have advertised Edward again. My personal situation was forcing me to have to let him go. I have been struggling to keep them and I couldn’t afford to keep Edward, who was bought by my ex -partner who decided he did not want him when we separated. I knew that trying to find the right home for Edward was like trying to find a tiny needle in the biggest haystack. Edward required someone very experienced also understanding and an advanced rider not wanting to compete and go hunting. The two bad loan experiences we had, had made me more protective over Edward and scared to let him go again but after listing him on Horses4Homes this changed.
Edward and I have been lucky enough to have found Lesley. I couldn’t have dreamt of finding someone like Lesley and the home that she can give Edward which is perfect for him is a dream come true :)) I thank my lucky stars!! it has taken a while to sink in! This would not have been possible without Horses4Homes. The team and Lesley coming together have given Edward and myself a lifeline. I will be eternally grateful. I have lived with abusive parents in a dreadful situation for a long time as I could not afford to keep 3 horses and move out of my parents. So in addition to being absolutely over the moon for this opportunity for Edward. This has been life changing for me knowing that Edward will be as happy as can be and will be enjoyed and loved by Lesley. It is a huge pressure off myself and I can now start to move forward and will change my life and current situation. This is a real success story and shows what Horses4Homes is achieving for all those needy lovely horses out there that deserve a chance and a good home whilst also helping their desperate owners.”