"18 months since we adopted Pamir and we love him to bits."
It is 18 months since we adopted Pamir and we love him to bits. He came to us with the intention of being my first ridden horse as I was getting back into riding – however, as with all best laid plans things didn’t quite work out like that. He is now very definitely my […]
"I think Horses4Homes is an excellent idea"
Gromit was recently listed and rehomed through the charity. Here are some kind words from the owner. “I think Horses4homes is an excellent idea, It matches genuine horse lovers with each other, with the result being the welfare and care of the horses involved. It also takes the stress out of the process for the […]
"I feel so lucky to be his owner"
Otto, has been a joy to own these past 2 years. I feel so lucky to be his owner, he is incredibly loving. His hacking issues are 99% redundant he is wonderful to hack out and is often a grandad horse for young or nervous horses. We were extremely privileged to canter around Wincanton race […]
Update on Delia after 18 months in her new home.
Lovely update recently from Nicole who rehomed Delia 18 months ago. Delia was listed back in 2013 and was not the easiest of horses due to her quirky nature. Nicole applied and through the honest listing of the owner was more than aware of the challenge she had. Here is what Nicole had to say […]
Thank you to the RS Macdonald Charitable Trust
Horses4Homes are pleased to announce a recent grant received from the RS Macdonald Charitable Trust. This grant is specifically to support the Scottish horse community with the loaning, sharing and rehoming of their horses. During 2014 Horses4Homes rehomed 18 horses from Scotland, this was all through the charity’s website, social media and word of mouth. […]
Ace – Ex-racehorse enjoying success in his new home.
Lovely update from Molly who rehomed Ace, an ex-racehorse back in April of last year. It has not been plain sailing but things are coming together and Molly and Ace have enjoyed recent success in dressage. “Since I re homed Ace last year we have both progressed with each other, His group manners are now […]
"Adopting Tubs was one of the best decisions I ever made"
Adopting Tubs was one of the best decisions I ever made. In the 6 months I’ve had him he has exceeded my expectations and proved to be a super pony. His previous owners had experienced issues with bucking in canter so we had only ever intended him as a light hack. However his fantastic temperament and behaviour […]
"I found a lovely pony"
Joshua has settled well into his new home. He has been with his loanee now 6 months and it sounds as if things are going great, “The whole process was quick and easy I found a lovely pony which has fitted in with our home life extremely well. He has been a pleasure, he is […]
Ali – Success in Dressage.
Ali has only been with his loanee a short time and he is becoming a bit of a star and has his own Facebook page (Ali’s Adventures) Here is a recent update. “Over the moon with Ali today!! We did our first competition together and came second with 71.3%!!!!! He was very well behaved and […]
Horses4Homes Reports 50% Increase in Homes Found
Horses4Homes Reports 50% Increase in Loving Homes Found Rehoming charity Horses4Homes reports a 70% increase in the number of horses listed with the charity for rehoming but only a 30% increase in the number of homes offered during 2014 compared to 2013. Despite the increased demand for the charity’s rehoming service by owners […]