Environmental enrichment, and why it’s a good thing. Part 1: the stabled horse
Environmental enrichment is the improvement of an animal’s environment, physically, socially, or both. It is currently a hot topic in agriculture and zoos as a means of decreasing stress and – in farm animals – increasing productivity, and is beginning to make inroads in horse-keeping in various ways. At its best it results in a […]
Looking after the older horse
Domesticated horses enjoy longer lives than ever before, but this happy fact brings its own issues for owners. Obvious signs of aging include deepening fossa (hollows) above the eyes, greying around the muzzle and eyes, and often a loss of weight, muscle tone and top-line. Other, more serious issues may also develop as the horse […]
Learn about horses with like-minded people
The British Equestrian Federation and British Horse Society have set-up the Participation Project with the aim of creating an informal community through livery yards and riding centres. The project provides current or potential horse owners with access to a network of advice, knowledge and education, enabling individuals to gain confidence in riding and horse care. […]
Taking the stress out of moving
Many well-socialised horses take so readily to new places and situations that it can be easy to forget that, as a species, horses are neophobes – in simple terms, they are frightened of new things and new situations. This trait stood their wild ancestors in good stead as prey animals: being suspicious of rustles in […]
Care to Share
Horses4Homes has partnered up with the British Equestrian Federation, to run the Care to Share project. Care to Share aims to link up horse owners and potential sharers online and help them start a share agreement. So if you are a horse owner looking for a share or a keen horseperson who would like to […]
Winter has come!
Successfully overwintering your horse out 24/7 Although as humans we may prefer our central heating and heavyweight duvets, the vast majority of horses are able to winter out, given the right conditions, and many are happier doing so. For horses with arthritis, those who tend to get filled legs when standing in or the chubby […]
Spreading the happiness by removing the worry
Rehoming a horse or pony can be, as anyone who has done it will know, a stressful experience for all concerned – the original owner, the new home and the horse him or herself. For the owner, when compelled by circumstances to find a new home for their horse, there is the worry of what […]
Sharing – helping people & horses
The charity Horses4Homes and the British Equestrian Federation are working in partnership to help horses, owners and people seeking to share a horse through the project “Care to Share”. As anyone involved with horses will know, horse ownership is fun, rewarding and challenging, but it also means an enormous commitment in time, money and emotion. […]
Happily Ever After…
“I just wanted to say that I am super happy with my rehomed horse from Horses4Homes. Queenie, despite not being ridden for some time has gone from strength to strength and is now competing at endurance events and winning rosettes. She is great fun and our confidence in each other is growing and growing. She […]
The Perfect Match!
“I was looking for a weight carrier and had been on the site several times, and one day I came across this gorgeous big bay mare, she is a Shire cross Thoroughbred, 17.2 hands and the page stated she could carry my weight, she wasn’t a novice ride and needed bringing on, at that time she was eight. It […]