"The pony is a delight"
Cracker has been brushed and walked out, with the dogs, every day. The first day he went out his eyes were on stalks and he spooked at everything, but now he walks out very calmly; I’ve started lunging him for a few minutes after our walk and he’s got the hang of that now (he is very bright). The equine dentist came to my driving pony yesterday and I asked him to introduce himself quietly to Cracker and the result was that he got his teeth done too! They were very sharp apparently and had probably never been done before; the job was done with no fuss at all, which was wonderful.
Cracker is nervous, particularly around his back end and head, but I feel he will become more relaxed as he spends more time being handled and does different things with us. He and my driving pony have bonded and are the best of friends. I am hoping that my g-children will be able ride out on the lead rein when they visit, so this is the future plan for Cracker.
The pony is a delight. Erica