“Things with Theo are going amazingly. He has settled in with his new family well, and has even made a best buddy who looks after him in the field. We have gained a great bond that grows daily and together have overcome his fear of hacking alone and he is completely relaxed when we are out. We are planning to do some jumping together but aren’t rushing anything. For now I love getting to the yard and having a loving face ambling over to me and a nuzzle and cuddle before I leave. I could not have asked for more from a first horse, and definitely could never have dreamed I would have had such a gentle, well behaved youngster.
I couldn’t thank you and Bev more for making this long standing aspiration come to fruition and more so for the fantastic job Bev has done bringing him along. I couldn’t be more pleased I stumbled upon your website!” Nicky new owner of Theo.