I could no longer afford to keep him and did not think that anyone would consider rehoming a 24 year old horse

I was so impressed with your homing process and the thorough vetting of homes that you undertake. I think Pamir was also very lucky that Esther was looking for an older horse who would fit in with her family and take her on with her own riding with a gentle program of hacking and lessons. Esther ticked every box for me with her kind but realistic approach to taking on an older horse and I feel happy that she will ride him thoughtfully, care for him sensibly and most importantly love and appreciate his character.
It was a sad day when he loaded beautifully, full of trust and not expecting the long trip on a blustery day to Anglesey. However, he has a wonderful and loving new home with plenty of grass and a reponsible new owner who is fully capable of becomiing an Arab’s new ‘special person’.
Esther updates me regularly with photographs of him and her family. He has been given the blessing of her riding instructor as the schoolmaster he is, and hopefully he will be able to repay Esther for the care she is giving him in his twilight years. She has made it clear that I am welcome to visit any time which I hope to do in February.
I believe I have been lucky, and the process of rehoming Pamir has run very smoothly. Even so it is stressful, distressing and exhausting. I did read some comments on facebook, well meaning I am sure, but critical of people rehoming old horses, obviously totally unable to understand the heartache people are going through when an unexpected change of circumstances mean there is nothing left to pay the bills for their dearest and trusting friend. If I had seen those comments on Facebook before I came to you, it may well have made me look elsewhere which sadly would have stopped Pamir having the chance of finding such a wonderful home through you.
So thank you Rebecca and everyone else involved with H4H, what a great service you provide and Pamir and I are so very grateful for your help.
I will be making a donation at the end of the month which I hope will help you with your brilliant work.
Best wishes .. Carole x
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says:I would like to thank Carole and H4H for my very special new boy. Having had to have one of my young working dogs put to sleep a few years ago, I can understand something of the heartache our animals cause us. Pamir is an amazing horse – he has been with us for just over a month now and is settling well, teaching me loads and being an older horse is forgiving when I sometimes don’t get it quite right. Even if I only get a few years of being able to ride with him – he will have taught me so much. I know I have Carole’s support and can ask her anything I need to. I think it was the reassurance of this on-going relationship and the honesty required by H4H that drew me to use this process in the first place. I can also really recommend getting an older horse for people like me who maybe have ridden other people’s horses but never had sole responsibility before. At 24+ years old my riding instructor is saying I should be taking him to some of the local dressage shows which will be a first for me! However, most importantly for us, he is rock solid on the roads, easy to handle, the children have ridden him, he loads well and is just a loving, caring, gentleman of a horse. He will be much loved here for the rest of his days!
Georgina Brewster
says:Such a heartwarming story. a seaside retirement for a country gent. After five years of nurturing and retraining this handsome boy, it has brought many sad tears to see him go to another owner but one that i know will give him the love and attention he deserves Xxx