Autumn Gold

Autumn Gold

  • Other (See Description)
  • rehome
  • Daventry
  • Registered : yes
  • Age : 24
  • Height : 14h2
  • Colour : Liver Chestnut
  • Owned For (Years): 16 years
  • Eligible For Vetting : yes
  • Requires Stabling : no
  • Requires Resticted Grazing : yes
  • Passport : The New Forest Pony Breeding and Cattle Society. 826038NFM440278
  • The successful applicant will need to pay a donation of £100 plus an £50 standard fee to Horses 4 Homes upon completion.
  • Applicants must live within Moreton Pinkney miles of the sellers town of residence to apply.


We are very sad to have to rehome our lovely family ponies due to bereavement and a change in family circumstances that means we can no longer look after them.

Autumn would make an excellent therapy or companion horse. She is a dream to handle on the ground and is very affectionate with no vices here. No problems with the dentist, vet or farrier.

Under saddle, she has a history of bolting, and has not been ridden since we owned her due to us lacking the skill or time to invest and my daughters not being confident riders. As such, we would not recommend her as a ridden horse.

She is very bonded to our younger Welsh pony and we would love to find them a home together.

Both horses live out all year round.


Absolute dream on the ground but has not been ridden more than a few times. When ridden she was lovely and responsive but can be spooky and has a tendency to bolt. Will come with bridle, saddle, winter rug and grooming kit.

Health Issues

No known health issues but has not been recently vaccinated (2016) but can be.

Ideal Home

Would make a fabulous companion or first pony for someone just looking to groom and handle a horse on the ground. Would need to be rehomed with her bonded pal, a Welsh pony called Rooney.

Vet Details

West Bar Veterinary Surgery, 9 West Bar, Banbury, Oxon OX16 9SA 01295 262 332


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