Ace – Ex-racehorse enjoying success in his new home.

Ace – Ex-racehorse enjoying success in his new home.

AceLovely update from Molly who rehomed Ace, an ex-racehorse back in April of last year. It has not been plain sailing but things are coming together and Molly and Ace have enjoyed recent success in dressage.
“Since I re homed Ace last year we have both progressed with each other, His group manners are now impeccable and his ridden work is beautiful! He works hard for me when I ride him, although we are still working on the jumping side of things as he is nervous and has no confidence! We recently went to a dressage show on the 11th of April, we competed in Introduction A and Preliminary 4, He brought home a 2nd in intro a with a lovely score of 65.5% and a 1st in Prelim 4! with a score of 65.9% I had never been so happy, we qualified for trailblazers and hope to move up in our dressage now. I love Ace more and more every day, We have a bond now and it keeps getting stronger. He will be mine forever and always.”

H4H Adm
